Thursday, March 6, 2025

The Grave of magician Paul Valadon


Here lies the remains of magician Paul Valadon. The famous story of Valadon begins when Harry Kellar was in search of the secret to the Maskelyne Levitation. Unable to obtain it, he hired away Paul Valadon in the hopes that Mr. Valadon could help him build the incredible illusion. There is quite a bit of conjecture surrounding the events, but one thing is for sure. Valadon did eventually go to work for Harry Kellar, and Kellar did end up with a version, though vastly improved version of the Maskelyne levitation.

Paul Valadon died in Phoenix Arizona on April 23rd, 1913 at the young age of 45. He died from Tuberculosis. He is buried in the Greenwood Memory Park Cemetery in Phoenix. 

To learn more about Valadon, watch for an upcoming episode of The Magic Detective Podcast.

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

The Grave of The Amazing Kreskin


Kreskin has died. The most famous mentalist of the late 20th Century into the 21st Century. Born  January 12th 1935, George Joseph Kresge Jr first appeared as a baby in Montclair NJ. As a boy he was inspired to become a magician by reading the comic strip Mandrake the Magician. 

He clearly had an interest in the history of magic because it's claimed he used the names Harry Kellar and Houdini to come up with KRESKIN. You can figure that one out on your own. 

During the 1960, 70s, 80, 90s and beyond Kreskin was the most popular mentalist in American. His name was synonymous with reading someones mind. He appeared on the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson 88 different times. And he made appearances on every other major talk show. 

His most astonishing feat was having his paycheck hidden by a member of the audience and then, while blindfolded, he would proceed to find it! He only ever lost the check a couple times in his career.

He died Dec 10th , 2024, of complications of dementia. He was in an assisted living facility and surrounded by family when he passed. 

Kreskin is bured in the Gates of Heaven Cemetery in Caldwell NJ.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Sears The Illusionist


Harry Sears Knight was a remarkable man. He had an interest in magic from an early childhood. In his teens, he started to perform professionally. By his mid 20s he was performing in England and all over Europe. He developed a show with 45 people as well as animals like, an elephant, a camel, horses, snakes and much more. His sets were extravagant, he was way ahead of his time in the manner in which he performed. Very theatrical.

Then he seemingly vanished. More appropriately he went underground. To find out more on his life and what happened to him, listen to my podcast episode 103. 

Harry Sears (Knight) is buried in Woodlawn Memorial Park in Colma California, which is in San Mateo County. He died June 4th, 1961.

There is a photo of the grave on