Here lies the remains of magician Paul Valadon. The famous story of Valadon begins when Harry Kellar was in search of the secret to the Maskelyne Levitation. Unable to obtain it, he hired away Paul Valadon in the hopes that Mr. Valadon could help him build the incredible illusion. There is quite a bit of conjecture surrounding the events, but one thing is for sure. Valadon did eventually go to work for Harry Kellar, and Kellar did end up with a version, though vastly improved version of the Maskelyne levitation.
Paul Valadon died in Phoenix Arizona on April 23rd, 1913 at the young age of 45. He died from Tuberculosis. He is buried in the Greenwood Memory Park Cemetery in Phoenix.
To learn more about Valadon, watch for an upcoming episode of The Magic Detective Podcast.