Sunday, September 8, 2024

Sears The Illusionist


Harry Sears Knight was a remarkable man. He had an interest in magic from an early childhood. In his teens, he started to perform professionally. By his mid 20s he was performing in England and all over Europe. He developed a show with 45 people as well as animals like, an elephant, a camel, horses, snakes and much more. His sets were extravagant, he was way ahead of his time in the manner in which he performed. Very theatrical.

Then he seemingly vanished. More appropriately he went underground. To find out more on his life and what happened to him, listen to my podcast episode 103. 

Harry Sears (Knight) is buried in Woodlawn Memorial Park in Colma California, which is in San Mateo County. He died June 4th, 1961.

There is a photo of the grave on

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